Recent content by Kennybush


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  1. Kennybush

    K and N Cleaning Kit

    But it's worth it! I swapped a B14.5 rs 4, for a GLC63 Merc a couple of years ago. I'd say the Audi was economical compared to the Merc!
  2. Kennybush


    I have motoscan, and it works fine, and was significantly cheaper than a gs-911. Is it about 6 or 7 k the exhaust flap opens, might be worth checking it's not jammed up
  3. Kennybush

    New Battery for K46

    Which did you decide to go for? My 2016 is on its original battery, so only a matter of time before it needs replacing
  4. Kennybush

    Annual Insurance Rant

    The cost of that should be shared across the market the think electric shite is doing good for the environment. Why are the sensible people in society paying for their idiocy!
  5. Kennybush

    Annual Insurance Rant

    I'm just off the phone, and they asked straight from the off what the modern bikes were, and was a straight no when I said s1000!
  6. Kennybush

    Annual Insurance Rant

    I got a quote from Bennits today, £620, so good bit cheaper than bemoto. Will try getting quotes from CN and Footman James, as mentioned above, and see what they can do for me.
  7. Kennybush

    Annual Insurance Rant

    I have a good postcode, on one of the Scottish islands 😁
  8. Kennybush

    Annual Insurance Rant

    I've just got my bemoto multi bike policy through. Gone from £460 last year to £750 this year for my Husky, s1000 and Sp1. Who are people using for multi bike, as I want to put my T3 guzzi on the road this summer as well.
  9. Kennybush

    100k. Done 😂

    That's impressive!
  10. Kennybush

    Sold my HP4

    You'll regret selling that one Stu! How many miles did you put on it? A lot of my biker mates have not done a lot with there bikes over last few years, myself included. I'm finding it hard to justify keeping my gen 3, due to lack of use, but I do love the bike. I got a husky 701 a few months...
  11. Kennybush

    Sag settings

    Is the Dave Moss subscription worth while? Suspension setting is something I don't know anything about. Had a fellow at knockhill set up the gen 3 for me, and never played with it since. The husky 701 I got a few months ago needs setting up. I think the front is too hard, and back too soft. Was...
  12. Kennybush

    Recommended Podcasts / YouTube Channels

    Chassin' the Racin' podcast is quite good, on Spotify. It was started by Chrissi Rouse, but it's been kept going by his sister and Dom Herbertosn. The TT Podcast also has some good content on Spotify. Barron Von Grumble has started dipping his toe into podcasts also, he has one chatting with...
  13. Kennybush

    Wall of Death Guy

    Thanks for posting Stu. That wooden wall he built looks a fantastic bit of craftsmanship!
  14. Kennybush

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    All the best everyone. Hope everyone is having a nice family day, and for anybody that is working away from family, hope you are having as good a day as possible. I for one am looking forward to getting home in January, and making up for what I'm missing today with family, and getting the bikes...
  15. Kennybush

    Is it just me......

    This is far better than any of the Facebook shite. On Facebook, there is alway keyboard warriors, fishing and slating people.